ABOUT CMSWatch.org
CMSWatch.org constitutes a committed collective, united by shared experiences of the shortcomings of both the Child Support Agency (CSA) and, since 2012, the Child Maintenance Service (CMS). Each of our members has personally endured the repercussions of these deficiencies.
Tragically, some among us have lost family members to suicide as a direct consequence of these failings.
Our purpose is to assemble data to empower us in our collective effort to challenge and rectify these systemic issues.
Why do we need CMSWatch.org website?
Collecting relevant data is the only way we can hold the CMS accountable and to HELP FACTS & DATA stand up in courts.
Have your say here!
If you would like to tell your story and supply us with the details regarding your experience with what you deem a CMS related issue, please click the links to the questionnaires below:
1. 'At Risk' Survey for CMS paying parents
2. Survey for circumstances surrounding Suicides linked to the CMS or CSA